The Power of Curiosity! How does curiosity motivate movement and shape the brain? Curiosity is nature’s great motivator. When children are free to follow what interests them, they`re not only learning, they`re learning how to learn by developing a confident, Self-motivated, and dynamic approach to new ideas. -Gill Connell & Cheryl McCarthy Nature has provided children with […]
Let’s Celebrate the Healing Effects of Rhythm Making
We focus this month on the power of creating rhythm for children and adult mental and physical health. We hope that you will feel inspired to start making more beats, and bringing rhythm into your workplaces, schools and therapeutic environments – knowing what a difference it can make. Drumming and rhythm-making are of course found in […]
The Moving Child Celebrates National Child Day: Nov 20, 2022
(Photo: Frank McKenna) Honouring Children as “Active participants in their own lives”! Of course we at The Moving Child are interested in this word “active”, and in how children can experience a felt sense of agency through their body, in this world today. We are also interested in how children’s rights are being met or […]
Honouring World Mental Health Day
(Photo: Ksenia Makagonova) Since it’s still October, we honour World Mental Health Day. Let’s continue to recognize and celebrate this day by being aware of how we can support our own, and others’ mental health. Self-regulatory and expressive embodiment is a key resource, as is building emotional intelligence and being connected to the body from […]
Nature as a Movement Playground
Image: Mi Pham Moving outdoors provides an easy access to and a scaffold for the practice of dynamic 3-Dimensional movement. It is moving 3-D that counters the effects of all our time spent in 2-D (screen time, etc). Being in nature also awakens all our senses (estimated at over 20 in the human body), which is […]
What is “Movement-oriented Self Care'”?
In honour of the recent International Self Care Day, here we offer some simple self care tips for parents. Self care, such as resting, is a learned skill. Learned from and modelled by parents, culture, school, friends. We hear lots about the need for self-care. But what does this mean from a movement or movement […]
Rough and Tumble Play Movement: A Father’s Gift
We are wishing all you Dads out there in the world a very Happy Father’s Day! Know you have an essential role in your child’s emotional, physical, mental and spiritual development. When I reflect on my childhood, I can remember my father’s big hands and arms playfully holding my body in various positions above and around […]
Being Seen, Accurately
Image: Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma’aji Here we share an excerpt below from The Moving Child Films upcoming EBook, written by creator/director Hana Kamea Kemble. One of our earliest and life-long psychological needs is to “be seen”. What does this mean? In Attachment Psychology, it means being accurately reflected. But what does that mean? The developmental need of being seen […]
What to Expect in The Moving Child Upcoming Ebook…
Here is a summary of The Moving Child upcoming EBook. Gain a fresh and in-depth overview of what’s to come, chapter by chapter. The Moving Child upcoming EBook will be a fresh and in-depth understanding of how to support healthy movement development in children. It will take you on a journey from the womb through […]
Moving for Emotional Development – A Sneak Peek Excerpt from The Moving Child Upcoming Ebook…
February is National Psychology Month! We share an excerpt below from The Moving Child Films upcoming EBook, written by creator/director Hana Kamea Kemble. In this chapter, Hana speaks about the relationship between movement and psychological development. Without the support of our breath and body’s capacity to move and shape change, it is difficult to know […]