The Power of Curiosity! How does curiosity motivate movement and shape the brain? Curiosity is nature’s great motivator. When children are free to follow what interests them, they`re not only learning, they`re learning how to learn by developing a confident, Self-motivated, and dynamic approach to new ideas. -Gill Connell & Cheryl McCarthy Nature has provided children with […]
Let’s Celebrate the Healing Effects of Rhythm Making
We focus this month on the power of creating rhythm for children and adult mental and physical health. We hope that you will feel inspired to start making more beats, and bringing rhythm into your workplaces, schools and therapeutic environments – knowing what a difference it can make. Drumming and rhythm-making are of course found in […]
Being Seen, Accurately
Image: Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma’aji Here we share an excerpt below from The Moving Child Films upcoming EBook, written by creator/director Hana Kamea Kemble. One of our earliest and life-long psychological needs is to “be seen”. What does this mean? In Attachment Psychology, it means being accurately reflected. But what does that mean? The developmental need of being seen […]